South Australia

The Founding of South Australia
White cockatoos, parrots, and parrakeets of splendid plumage are to be found on almost every other tree. These, and a peculiar kind of plover, are excellent eating:. Kangaroos are plentiful—one...
The Founding of South Australia
White cockatoos, parrots, and parrakeets of splendid plumage are to be found on almost every other tree. These, and a peculiar kind of plover, are excellent eating:. Kangaroos are plentiful—one...

History of South Australia, Volume II Author Ed...
Dec. 28. —Arrival of first Governor, Captain Hindmarsh. Proclamation read erecting South, Australia into a British Province. 30. —The Governor, accompanied by Colonel Light and Mr. J. H. Fisher, visited...
History of South Australia, Volume II Author Ed...
Dec. 28. —Arrival of first Governor, Captain Hindmarsh. Proclamation read erecting South, Australia into a British Province. 30. —The Governor, accompanied by Colonel Light and Mr. J. H. Fisher, visited...

History of South Australia, Volume I Author Edw...
The Investigator touched once more at Kangaroo Island, "where not less than thirty emus were seen on shore at one time," and then proceeded through what Flinders called Backstairs Passage...
History of South Australia, Volume I Author Edw...
The Investigator touched once more at Kangaroo Island, "where not less than thirty emus were seen on shore at one time," and then proceeded through what Flinders called Backstairs Passage...